What are the erogenous zones of women and how to stimulate them?

female erogenous zones

What are the erogenous zones of women and how to stimulate them?

Do you already know which are the areas that arouse a woman sexually? If you don’t know them, you are in the right place, since this time our article talks about the 7 erogenous zones to excite a woman.

When talking about erogenous or sexually arousing zones, it refers to those parts located in the body that have a higher density of nerve endings, which is why they are characterized by their sensitivity.

It is impressive and a bit complex that the G-spot is not the only place to stimulate a woman’s arousal, but that there are also other areas of the body that manage to raise her libido in an impressive way; In addition, women are more difficult when it comes to reaching the climax, since they need more stimulation, fun, and desire.

Now, the points or areas of the female anatomy that have the greatest sensitivity are:


The lips


For thousands of years, the lips were considered to be the most erogenous zone of the body, specifically considered by the Greeks; and this is because the lips have numerous nerve endings, which makes them sensitive and receptive to stimulation; that is why everything starts with kisses.


arch of the jaw


Believe it or not, the arch of the jaw is one of the most sensitive and erogenous areas of the woman, although it is not so well known, starting with kisses and soft breaths on the neck and then continuing with the same, but now in the jaw.

Helping to produce endorphin, which ends up causing a great orgasm.


The tongue


The tongue has nerves that release serotonin and dopamine, which is why rubbing the tip of the tongue against the other ends up raising the libido, allowing good enjoyment of the moment and sexual relations, just as, in some cases, it is linked to the falling in love process.


The neck


The neck is one of the most important areas of the woman because it is one of the most erogenous parts, so kisses on the neck are recommended, accompanying them with gentle massages on the hair and neck, you will end up noticing how her skin stands on end.




Specifically, the earlobes have great sensitivity due to the number of nerve endings they have, even comparable to those of the sexual organs.


the breasts


This is one of the areas that you probably know and master the most, it being ideal that you caress them while you look into her eyes with gently circular movements; In this way, you will be able to excite her with the simple touch of her nipples with your hands.


The thighs


The inner area of ​​the woman’s thighs is quite erogenous and this is because it is directly connected to the neuralgic points of pleasure; Take advantage of this to caress the entire internal area of ​​the same, you will notice how your pleasure and sexual desire increases significantly.

Sexual positions for greater enjoyment of women

Sexual positions for greater enjoyment of women

Sexual positions for greater enjoyment of women

Sexual positions for greater enjoyment of women

One of the ways to achieve an oasis of pleasure that couples enjoy is through sexual positions.

Although there is endless information on this subject, many couples are inhibited from experimenting due to fear or ignorance.

Women in particular are afraid of what their partner might think or fear of being judged by society. But these prejudices should not limit sexual enjoyment.

Knowing your body and increasing pleasure are one of the ways to empower sexuality between the couple.

For women, reaching orgasm is not always easy, but there are sexual positions that allow you to stimulate the clitoris and have a delicious time.

That is why we want to leave you these 5 sexual positions for greater enjoyment of women.


1. The goddess of fire


She should place her pelvis on her partner’s legs, stick her knees together and bent over to achieve a slow and pleasurable penetration.

By keeping the back arched, the genital area will be discovered. In addition, the penis will be touching the front part of the vagina, where the largest nerve endings that allow orgasm are.

The man can take advantage of the opening of the female organ to stimulate it with his thumb, thus giving the woman greater pleasure.


2. The iron


The woman is placed completely upside down, while the man is on top of her, they can both intertwine their legs to generate greater intimacy.

The pressure exerted on the pubis causes a greater sensation in penetration. This position can be applied after oral sex or after reaching an orgasm, since it can achieve a second rush of sensations.

You can press your hand against the lips and generate even more pleasure, allowing the orgasm to lengthen.


3. Everything for me


It is a position of dominance for her, at the same time it is usually romantic and easy to perform.

The man will be sitting on a chair or space where he is comfortable and she will sit in front of him on her legs.

The trick is that both he and she can stimulate the clitoris, in order to reach orgasm, he can also stimulate the breasts with his mouth, causing greater pleasure.


4. The magic mirror


This position not only allows you to stimulate yourself due to penetration, but also by how you see your reflection in the mirror while you feel all the pleasure.

It consists of a variation of the doggy style, but it is done standing in front of a mirror, the man will be behind her and will penetrate her genital area, while both are reflected in the mirror, which will be very erotic.

The man can touch her breasts or stimulate her clitoris in the process.


5. Tetris


She lies on her side while he penetrates her from the front, while their legs are intertwined, this will cause the front part of the female genital area to be stimulated, in turn, he can touch and stimulate the clitoris.

In addition, the woman can play more with the man while touching his legs and both will be able to fully enjoy themselves.


These five sexual positions will increase the pleasure not only of the woman, but also of the man and will allow the sexual relationship to be fluid and pleasant.


By using Magic Honey you can improve your sexual performance, increasing the frequency of sex and giving your partner more enjoyment.

If you want to practice these positions and increase the time in these matches, your perfect ally will be Magic Delay.

How to do a good foreplay?

How to do a good foreplay

How to do a good foreplay?

Every time we are going to have sexual encounters, we cannot stop thinking about the previous one, about how to start that encounter to get out of the routine and thus experience new experiences, this happens a lot in long-term relationships, since on a daily basis , they fall into routines and having relationships ends up being a physiological necessity but not for pleasure or desire.

Foreplay does not only refer to oral sex, there are more options that you can experience with your partner, and this will depend on what each one wants, as they say, the sky is the limit… We bring you a summary of some options for a magical foreplay.


let out the fears


It is true what they say that our fears are our worst enemy, you must get rid of them, thinking that everything must be perfect can play against you, since you will be careful to do everything perfect, and you will lose the emotion of the moment. In sex, anything goes, so let your imagination fly and trust that everything will be fine.


Gentle massages in the head area


Head massages are the best remedy for the stress of a long day, the sensation of the fingers on the scalp, in addition to relaxing, give way to the divinity of the moment, to relax in your arms.

In addition, the head has some points to stimulate it and excite you, giving way to a more pleasant sexual act. Give him a gentle massage on the scalp, going down to the neck and chest or back.


Caress her thighs


One of the universal signs, prior to a sexual encounter, is caressing the thighs like a romp, accompanied by mischievous looks, where you give entry to the imagination until waiting for the time of their meeting alone.

At that family dinner, or going out to the movies, gently caress her thighs, letting your hand slide to her most intimate area, even if she wanted to run out of that public place to indulge in that game.


Eye contact


For many it is very erotic to maintain eye contact when performing oral sex or in some position in sex, so when you are with your partner, try to make more eye contact while you are in the game of caresses and kisses, and when touching its parts, try to look at it with the mischief that only you know in your privacy.




Masturbation in front of your partner is usually one of the requests made by men, since they are more visual, and they would love to see how you caress yourself, in addition to showing them how you like it, it serves to ignite that flame of passion that will make them I throw you to satisfy you.

You can use Magic honey when masturbating, so that when you have oral sex, you can feel the sweetness and increase the pleasure, you can also show him the path you want him to take.

Playing will always help to break the ice or the routine, a little emotion and laughter will always give you a good start, foreplay with some spice and eroticism will stimulate your partner’s imagination and desire.

There are endless options to enjoy a special meeting, you just have to feel like it and let your imagination run wild.

Turn magic honey and magic delay into your daily allies and thus elevate your experiences to the maximum.

To reach orgasm it is much more than penetration

To reach orgasm it is much more than penetration

To reach orgasm it is much more than penetration

Men! Although in movies and narratives, orgasm is something that is easily reached, in real life it is not like that; It can even be considered as a challenge, especially for the female sex. So to reach orgasm, it is much more than penetration.

Society sees it as dysfunctional or problematic if orgasm is not achieved in a certain way or at a specific time; but with some studies it was found that 70% of women fail to reach orgasm through penetration.

For some men it is frustrating that their partner does not reach orgasm, it can even make them question the relationship; However, today I bring you excellent news.

Yes, there is a way to have a more satisfying, pleasurable and climax-filled sexual relationship!

First of all, it is important to understand your partner, to know what he wants and what he likes. It should be noted that female orgasms are more emotional; that is, if his mind and body are not on the same page, there is a good chance that he will end up faking the climax so that you stop as soon as possible.

Time to penetration

Don’t make the mistake of going too fast. Why don’t you take your time? For some women, it is quite uncomfortable to be penetrated without having entered the game yet; don’t think they get turned on just by touching her nipples or clitoris.

Prior to sex

Take the time to have some foreplay, kiss her from head to toe, hug her, caress her, tease, play, make her feel desired; stimulate her G-spot and clitoris with your fingers, a toy, or your tongue.

Some women claim that it is better to have an orgasm before sex; since, the chances of reaching the next climax increase, being with a higher level of intensity.

Ejaculation time

Find your rhythm, when we watch some adult movies, it is visualized as everything is fast, so most men go at an accelerated pace during sexual intercourse, however, it is not recommended, since the man will ejaculate before than expected.

There is no correct way and rhythm to have sex, but a combination of fast and slow can be the key; along with different positions depending on your tastes and preferences.

And it turns out that it is not that difficult, you just need to know that women are a combination of mind and body, and that reaching orgasm is much more than penetration.

Penis of blood Vs Penis of meat.

Penis of blood Vs Penis of meat.

Penis of blood Vs Penis of meat.

Many people believe in the myth that a small penis is equivalent to a poor sex life, which has created prejudices around it; That is why we have this article for you, penis of blood vs penis of meat.

The size of the penis is a constant and sometimes frustrating topic for men, due to the mistaken idea that the larger the size, the greater the pleasure.

However, it is not true, there are simply physical differences, which is normal; and in this case, there are two types of penises known as: the penis of blood and the penis of meat.

We already know that this organ is cavernous, which works through a mechanism that responds to stimuli; filling the caverns with blood, and in this way a type of swelling is created that blocks the veins that are responsible for draining blood.

And this is how this organ remains rigid, erect and hardened; then yes, you already know the process of the penis to reach the state of erection.

blood penis

This type of penis is quite small and flaccid (this is normal); which has the narrowest cavernous walls, means that the blood deposits are larger or more numerous.

In this way it is stated that this type of penis in an erect state is capable of increasing its size twice or more than twice that in its natural state, thus being able to have a satisfactory sexual activity and without any problems.

meat penis

Now the penis of flesh is of considerable size in its normal state; but for the same reason, it has fewer or smaller caverns, which means that, in its state of erection, it does not increase as much, thus its difference is hardly noticeable when it is stimulated.

Did you know…

both in normal state have a quite noticeable size difference; however, in their erect state they become similar.

Goodbye, frustrating myth!


Frequently Asked Questions about The Magic Honey

Frequently Asked Questions about The Magic Honey

Frequently Asked Questions about The Magic Honey


At Magic Honey, we understand that having clear and accurate information is crucial to making informed decisions about your privacy and well-being.

We have compiled a list of the most common questions we receive about our product to provide you with the necessary guidance. From how to use it correctly to its overall impact, these FAQs will give you a complete understanding of the benefits and functionality of Magic Honey.

Explore our list of frequently asked questions for detailed and reliable answers!

What is Magic Honey?

Magic Honey is pure and nutritious Honey fortified with a selected blend of exotic Tongkat Ali seeds, tropical forest herbs, enriched with vital biomolecules.

Magic Honey was created by experts who fortified and enriched all the benefits of pure honey, Tongkat Ali, cinnamon and guarana. Achieving a master formula that treats sterility, strengthens the immune system and is an effective treatment for sexual impotence.

With multiple benefits such as strengthening the immune system and supporting cases of sexual impotence and/or erectile dysfunction. How does Magic honey work? A single drink of Magic Honey fills you with energy and vitality for 72 hours.

  • Magic Honey supports natural treatment for sexual impotence.
  • Magic Honey is rich in proteins, vitamins and amino acids.
  • Magic Honey strengthens the immune system.
  • Magic Honey improves sperm quality.

Who can consume Magic Honey?

Our team has developed the Magic Honey Formula especially for men over 18 years of age. As a great source of energy for proper body building and miracle to exhaustion.

All those who want to enhance their energy and daily vitality, in the case of men it supports the production of testosterone and sperm. In women, it provides energy for the development of their daily activities.

Older men and women between 18 and 70 years old without heart conditions and diabetes.

If you have conditions of this type, we recommend consulting your doctor before consuming any product.

Can women consume it?

Is Magic Honey suitable for women? Magic Honey has launched a new special formula designed specifically for women! This new formula is made with natural ingredients and energy boosters that help increase libido and improve sexual satisfaction in women.

This new formula also helps reduce stress and fatigue, which can have a positive impact on a woman’s daily life.

What ingredients does Magic Honey contain?

Magic Honey contains pure bee honey mixed with exotic seeds such as Tongkat Ali, guarana and cinnamon species.

Its composition is:

97% Honey
1% Tongkat Ali
1% guarana
1% Cinnamon

Magic Honey’s special formula for women is a combination of natural ingredients such as honey, arginine, ginseng, glycine, vitamin B and herbal extracts. These ingredients work in harmony to increase libido, improve natural lubrication and increase sensitivity in erogenous zones and providing better physical performance.

What are the benefits of consuming Magic Honey?

The benefits of Magic Honey, for both men and women, represent an improvement in daily life. Maximizing work performance and producing greater satisfaction in life as a couple.

Increases sexual desire.
Supporting the firmest and longest erection.
Supports the increase in Testosterone levels.
Improves blood circulation.
Improves your vitality and keeps your defenses high.
These benefits combine to give you more energy at the time of sex in the case of men, giving you more energy and time in the act.

In other cases, both men and women consume it, because it provides energy for daily activities such as training and exercises.

How often should I consume Magic Honey?

Magic Honey recommended dose: We recommend consuming 1 sachet every 24 hours.

If you want more information about how to consume magic honey and how often, visit our blog

Contraindications or side effects of Magic Honey?

Does Magic Honey have any side effects? Because it is 100% natural bee honey, it has shown no contraindications or side effects.

No effects on headaches or hangovers the next day, being a safe and natural product. Take advantage of the benefits of Magic Honey without contraindications, be sure to try it!

How to take Magic Honey, energizing honey?

MAGIC HONEY HOW TO TAKE IT: There are many ways to take magic honey, the most common among our followers is to take it straight from the sachet. But you can not only take it this way, here we mention other ways…

You can use it as a sweetener in salads, fruits and juices.
With any type of recreational drink.
There are no contraindications when mixing it with alcohol. If you want more information about Magic Honey, how to use it and how often, visit our blog.

How much does the package of honey for men bring?

Magic Honey 100% pure and nutritious honey is presented in a box of 24 sachets of 10 gr, each sachet energizing and invigorating.

Where can I find Magic Honey?

Magic Honey is available at there you can find our authorized countries to purchase magic honey.

Magic Honey where to buy, Authorized Distributors?

Magic Honey Venezuela
Magic Honey Colombia
Magic Honey Chile
Magic Honey United States
Magic Honey Mexico
Some countries in southern America have copied our products and there are many imitations without permits and without regulation.

We regret this situation, and we invite you not to fall for false products based on our brand.

We invite you to purchase our products from the official distributors of each country. For more information visit our Magic Honey Official Distributors section

What happens when you take Magic Honey?

Thanks to the hand and work of experts who fortified and enriched all the benefits of pure honey, Tongkat Ali, cinnamon and guarana.

Magic Honey supports cases such as sterility and testosterone formation, increases sexual desire and improves performance. It also provides benefits to the immune system, reducing the risk of contagion of viral diseases.

How long does the effect of Magic Honey last?

Each Magic Honey sachet works, leaving an effect on the body for 24 hours.

Another related question: How long does Magic honey take to take effect?

How much does Magic Honey cost?

The sales price to our consumers varies depending on the presentation:

Magic Honey Box of 24 10g sachets. US dollars $120.00
Magic Honey Blister of 3 sachets of 10grs. US dollars $30.00
Magic Delay Box of 12 wipes US dollars $20.00

Is Magic Honey safe for long-term consumption?

Magic Honey is formulated with natural and safe ingredients. No long-term adverse effects have been reported. However, it is recommended to follow the instructions for use and not exceed the recommended daily dose.

Can Magic Honey interact with other medications?

If you are taking prescription medications, it is advisable to consult your doctor before consuming Magic Honey to avoid possible interactions with certain drugs.

How can Magic Honey be properly stored to maintain its freshness and potency?

It is recommended to store Magic Honey in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. It doesn’t need to be refrigerated, but keeping it in a cool environment can help preserve its quality.

What is the difference between Magic Honey for men and Magic Honey for women?

Magic Honey for men and women is formulated with specific ingredients that address the individual needs of each gender. Both versions are designed to increase vitality and enhance the intimate experience.

Is there a recommended age to consume Magic Honey?

Magic Honey is intended for adults and is not recommended for anyone under 18 years of age. Consumers are advised to consult a doctor before consuming it if they have pre-existing medical conditions.

Can the consumption of Magic Honey affect people with certain medical conditions?

Individuals with pre-existing medical conditions should consult a doctor before consuming Magic Honey to determine if it is safe and appropriate for their specific situation.

Can Magic Honey be consumed along with other supplements?

If no negative interactions have been reported with other supplements, you can combine Magic Honey with other supplements.

Is Magic Honey a product approved by health authorities?

Magic Honey is produced in compliance with safety and quality standards. Before consuming any supplement, it is important to check local regulations and applicable authorizations. Having the necessary consultations in the established territories, such as cofepris and fda

Can Magic Honey cause allergies in some people?

Magic Honey is made with natural ingredients, some people may have sensitivities or allergies to certain components. It is recommended to review the list of ingredients and consult a health professional if there are concerns.

What is the manufacturing process of Magic Honey?

Magic Honey is produced using controlled and tested manufacturing methods to preserve the quality and potency of natural ingredients. Strict hygiene and safety standards are followed throughout the production process.

Is there a satisfaction guarantee for Magic Honey consumers?

Magic Honey stands behind customer satisfaction and offers a money-back guarantee if consumers are not satisfied with the product. It is recommended to check the return and refund policy when making a purchase.

Is it recommended to take Magic Honey on a full or empty stomach?

For better absorption and effectiveness, it is recommended to consume Magic Honey on a relatively empty stomach. However, each person may experience slightly different results, so it is essential to test and adjust based on personal preference.

Is there a limit to the amount of Magic Honey that can be consumed daily?

While there is no specific maximum dosage set, it is recommended to follow the recommended dosing instructions and not exceed the suggested daily dosage.

How can Magic Honey be purchased in large quantities for distribution or retail?

For wholesale purchases or retail distribution, please contact Magic Team or the authorized Magic Honey supplier in your territory directly. To discuss procurement options and specific business requirements.

Can Magic Honey be found in physical stores or is it only available online?

Magic Honey may be available in both physical stores and online stores, depending on location and distribution agreements. It is recommended to check availability at local retail outlets or online through the official Magic Honey website.

Have there been any recent changes to the Magic Honey formula or packaging?

Yes, maintaining the quality and originality of our product, we have recently made changes to the formula and packaging of Magic Honey. These changes have been implemented to combat copying and ensure our consumers get the best version of our product. Additionally, these changes have led to significant improvements in the quality and effectiveness of Magic Honey, providing an even more satisfying experience for our users.

What is Magic Delay?

It is a discreet topical sexual retardant that you can carry in your pants pocket and no one will notice.

It is a wet towel that you can rub on the member 20 or 30 minutes before your meeting to achieve maximum effectiveness.

These delay wipes are 100% organic and have no side effects, in addition to their antibacterial and medical properties they contribute to your sexual health.

Use 1 Magic Delay 30 minutes before the activity and enjoy it to the fullest.

  • Magic Delay is applied discreetly
  • Magic Delay gives you longer duration in your sexual encounters
  • Magic Delay is 100% organic

Don’t forget to combine our products to live your experiences to the limit!

Magic Honey improves daily performance to the maximum and produces greater satisfaction in life as a couple.

Magic Honey Reviews

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Don’t miss real testimonials who have experienced the benefits of Magic Honey. Follow us on Instagram and discover how this natural formula can help you improve your sex life.