Why don’t I feel sexual desire?

Sexuality is one of the most important issues, although we don’t talk about it so freely, we always have doubts about things related to sex. Why don’t I feel sexual desire?

It may be that at some stage of your life you feel that you do not have any impulse or desire towards sexual relations with your partner, and this can cause discomfort not only for you but also for your partner, but you should not worry.

Sometimes it is misunderstood that a low sexual desire is synonymous with a lack of libido and it really is not.

In the case of a woman, she may be facing changes in her menstrual cycle or emotional situations that affect her desire to have sex.

On the other hand, in men it can be due to a lot of fatigue, stress or day-to-day worries that reduce the desire to have a moment of pleasure with your partner.

But since it is an uncomfortable topic and you may not talk about it with anyone, these are some of the indications of Why don’t I feel sexual desire?

  • You have no interest in any sexual activity or self-stimulation.
  • You have no sexual thoughts or fantasies.
  • You feel disappointment when you try as there is no desire.

Causes of low sexual desire


Low sexual desire is directly linked to physiological aspects, personal relationships, psychological situations or social influence.

In the case of women, it can be seen present at the beginning of the climacteric syndrome (postmenopause), but this can occur in young women.

Other reasons are:

  • Pain in the genital area, whether in the man or the woman, which causes discomfort and low sexual desire.
  • Some physical illness that generates not only bodily discomfort but psychological discomfort.
  • Contraceptive use can decrease desire.
  • Stress and depression are one of the most common factors.
  • Low self-esteem can lead to discouragement and discomfort on the spot.

5 keys to regain desire


Don’t force yourself if you don’t feel desire


If you don’t have the desire to have sex, don’t do it, allow yourself to analyze yourself and think about why?

You don’t have the usual sexual desire.

By forcing yourself you will only cause you to block more both physically and mentally, generating more damage.


Listen to your neurological signals


The brain has the ability to perceive signals that can give you an idea of ​​why you don’t want to have relationships.

These may be because you are not comfortable (or) like the place or the people.

The other sign is feeling ashamed of the act itself, be it because of your physique, fears, or insecurities.

But you must remember that the desire must be worked with your partner, so if you feel any fear it is essential that you do not share.


Low sexual desire does not mean that you do not like your partner


There is a bad idea that a sexual relationship is linked to falling in love and after a while the falling in love can pass, but not the desire itself.

As mentioned above, sexual desire must be worked on by both members of the relationship.


Work the erotic part of the relationship


Do not only seek penetration at the time of sexual encounter, activate your sensory part, massages and erotic games.


Allow yourself to have individual spaces


Remember that individuality is not bad, having your space to breathe allows you to have a healthy sexual relationship with your partner.

Now that you know all these recommendations, enjoy a healthy, rich sexual relationship with Magic Honey.