Safe Sex Guide: Protect your Health and Enjoy Without Worries

When we talk about safe sex we are referring to consensual sexual practices that minimize the risk of transmission of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and prevent unwanted pregnancies. These practices include the use of contraceptive and barrier methods.

The Importance of Safe Sex

Practicing safe sex is crucial for several reasons:

  1. STI prevention: The use of barrier protection methods such as condoms are important and necessary when having sexual relations, because they protect us from sexually transmitted infections that can have serious consequences for health. There is a much lower risk of contracting diseases such as HIV, syphilis, gonorrhea and genital herpes if the condom is placed correctly.
  2. Prevention of Unwanted Pregnancies: An unplanned pregnancy can have a significant impact on people’s lives, affecting their health, educational and professional plans, and emotional well-being. When you use effective contraceptive methods you can plan with your partner the ideal time for a birth.
  3. Reproductive Health and General Wellbeing: By reducing the risk of STIs and unwanted pregnancies, people can enjoy their sex life without additional worries. Practicing safe sex contributes to people’s reproductive health and general well-being.

Sexual Protection Methods

There are several methods of sexual protection, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The most common and effective ones are described below:

  1. Condoms and Condoms: Being a barrier method, condoms They are one of the most effective forms of protection against STIs and unwanted pregnancies. Male condoms are made of latex, polyurethane or polyisoprene, while female condoms are made of nitrile. Plus, they are accessible and easy to use.
  2. Birth control pills: Birth control pills are very effective in preventing pregnancy when used correctly. However, we must keep in mind that they do not protect against STIs, so it is advisable to combine it with the use of condoms.
  3. Intrauterine Devices (IUD): They are devices that go inside the woman’s body and are highly effective, they can last several years being as effective as at the beginning. Among them we have copper and hormonal IUDs. Like birth control pills, they do not protect against STIs.
  4. Contraceptive Injections: These injections are given every three months and are very effective in preventing pregnancy. They also do not protect against STIs.
  5. Contraceptive Implants: They are small rods that are placed under the skin of the arm and release hormones that prevent pregnancy for several years. They do not protect against STIs.
  6. Female Barrier Methods: These contraceptives physically obstruct sperm’s access to the uterus. In addition to the female condom, there are diaphragms, contraceptive sponges, gels, and cervical caps that can be used together with spermicides.

Promiscuity and its Risks

Promiscuity refers to having multiple sexual partners casually and without emotional or romantic commitment in a short period of time. Promiscuity increases the risk of contracting and transmitting STIs. This is because each new sexual partner can be a potential source of infection. The lack of protection during sexual relations leads to health risks among which we can mention:

  1. Increased risk of contracting STIs: The more sexual partners a person has, the greater the chance of becoming infected with a Sexually Transmitted Infection. If, in addition to this, adequate protection methods are not used, the risk multiplies.
  2. Long-term health complications: If the person has contracted an STI and is not treated properly, the complications can be serious. For example, chlamydia and gonorrhea can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) in women, which can cause infertility. In men it can cause testicular inflammation, decreased semen quality, or infertility problems.

Communication and Safe Sex

In any relationship where an intimate bond is intended to be created, there must be good communication. Open and honest communication with your sexual partner is essential to practicing safe sex.

Here are some guidelines for effective communication:

  1. Talk before arriving at the intimate encounter: It is important to agree on what protection methods They will be appropriate for each case and the expectations before having sexual relations. This ensures the closeness and comfort of both.
  2. Be honest about your sexual health history: Sharing information about any past or present STIs is very important to protect the health and integrity of both partners.
  3. Be exclusive or not: If the relationship is monogamous, both must agree to sexual exclusivity. On the other hand, in those cases where relationships are not monogamous, clear rules must be established and followed regarding the use of adequate protection and communication with other sexual partners.

Sexual education and the practice of safe sex are essential in an active and healthy sexual life. Protecting individuals and contributing to a society that is aware of its sexual life and therefore healthier. Creating the habit of using appropriate protection methods and expanding communication within the couple’s environment, where they can talk openly about these issues, becoming aware of the risks that a promiscuous life entails, are important steps to enjoy a healthy and satisfying sexual life. .